Sunday, July 8, 2007

Packing up

This was taken around 5:30 AM. We got out of our house in the nick of a time, a full 2 hours before our tenants arrived!

And this is one of the beautiful Tucson sunsets we'll be missing over the next year. We'll know very soon if anywhere on earth has better ones.


Courtney said...

Yay! I'm your first comment! (you can delete this now) :)

Anonymous said...

Jason ~

You and Prithi (sic) look freed up and ready to fly! YaHoO!*!*! Fly little birds, Fly !*!*!*!* Can't wait to partake of the virtual trip. If you have time, log on to and you can see another friend who left Tucson in May 2006 for her adventure round the world.

lainypoo said...

Congratulations on starting your adventure!!!! Your site looks great! I will be checking regularly to see what great things you two are up to. You are already missed, though. Have fun!